The Secret Garden – Blenheim Palace

Landscape architects

MCA is a highly experienced landscape architects practice operating across the UK, based in Woodstock, Oxfordshire

MCA is a pro-active and amenable landscape architects practice which has been registered with The Landscape Institute for twenty-six years. The Practice Principal, Mark Cooper, is a Chartered Landscape Architect with thirty five year’s experience in the design and implementation of new residential and commercial developments on every scale.

The practice undertakes landscape planning and detailed design to produce sustainable developments which enhance biodiversity and create attractive environments in which to live and work.


Site Analysis

Site Assessment; identifying landscape assets

Tree and Ecology Surveys

Site Planning and Layout Development

Landscape Design Strategy

Public Consultation and Exhibitions

Pre-Application Consultation

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments

Documents which assess the impact of a proposed development on the visual quality of landscape or townscape and the implications for people who are impacted by the scheme whether residents, workers or passers-by.

Detailed Design

Hard and Soft Landscape Plans

Site Levels and Setting Out

Construction Details; tree pits, paved surfaces, edgings, walls, steps, street-furniture and boundaries

Lighting Design and Coordination

Co-ordination of drainage and services

Ecological Enhancements  – Bird, Bat, Beetle and Invertebrate Habitats

Arboriculture and Protection of Existing Trees

Play Area concept and detailed design

Landscape Design Elements

Parks and Green Spaces

Urban Squares with Pools and Fountains

Structural landscape; avenues, hedgerows

Roof gardens and podium deck courtyards

Sustainable Urban Drainage

Pools, swales, rain-gardens

River and Water Course Restoration

Community Gardens and Allotments

Where we work



for Education